Deep Blue Analysis

Full Ocean Depth Analytics


Deep Blue Analysis provides offshore marine weather forecasts packaged for what you need, and within your budget.  Operational wind and wind forecasts from NOAA’s WaveWatch III.  Operational ocean current, temperature, salinity and sound speed forecasts from NOAA’s Real-Time Ocean Forecast System.  Operational atmospheric forecasts from NOAA’s Global Forecast Sytem. Operational biogeochemical forecasts from Copernicus Marine Service.  Tidal heights and currents from the OSU tidal model.

SeaState was developed by Dr. Les Bender who has 25 years of ongoing experience in operational meteorology and oceanography. He saw the need for a straight-forward weather product that focused on providing real-time seastate information specifically tailored to at-sea operations conducted by small companies. The web site was designed to convey offshore weather information needed to make daily and long-term operational decisions in a compact format that requires a limited satellite bandwidth to upload, i.e., there are no ads or click-through’s unlike most commercial offerings.

The information presented in SeaState is not provided by a professional third party source, but is downloaded directly from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) every six hours. This is the same source used by popular weather apps such as Weather Underground, AccuWeather, WeatherBug, the Weather Channel, Windy, etc. The foundational tenet of SeaState is straightforward.  The National Weather Service, the National Hurricane Center, NOAA, and NCEP will always do a better job because they have the people, the weather stations and weather buoys, the budget, the advanced numerical models, and the computing resources that private industry is challenged to match.

©Deep Blue Analysis LLC, 2020 - 2024