Wind & Waves
The operational wave and wind forecasts use the data from the NCEP/EMC global deterministic wave model (WAVEWATCH III ) unified with the Global Forecast System (GFS).
The WAVEWATCH III spectral wave model is one way coupled to the atmospheric forecast model. In addition, ocean currents from the Global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS) are input to the wave model. The model is run by NCEP four times a day: 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z and produces hourly forecasts out to 120 hours and every 3 hours from 120 to 384 hrs (5-16 days). There are three native computational grids, one for the arctic, one for the northern hemisphere (15S to 52.5N), and one for the southern hemisphere (10.5S to 79.5S), and four post-processed grids.
There is an option to enhance the wave forecasts with an embedded, localized SWAN wave model to handle shallow-water bathymetry and small island shadowing effects that are not resolved with the higher resolution WaveWatch III model. This option must be requested.
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